Unlayer Examples

Simple Custom Tool

In this example, we will create a simple custom tool to extend functionality of the editor. You can learn more about this in our documentation.

This page contains 3 examples:

  1. Basic Custom Tool
  2. Custom Tool using Built-In Property Editor
  3. Custom Tool using Custom Property Editor

Basic Custom Tool

Each custom tool is built in it's own custom.js file which is then passed to unlayer.init. We'll start with creating our custom.js file.


  name: 'my_tool',
  label: 'My Tool',
  icon: 'fa-smile',
  supportedDisplayModes: ['web', 'email'],
  options: {},
  values: {},
  renderer: {
    Viewer: unlayer.createViewer({
      render(values) {
        return '<div>I am a custom tool.</div>';
    exporters: {
      web: function (values) {
        return '<div>I am a custom tool.</div>';
      email: function (values) {
        return '<div>I am a custom tool.</div>';
    head: {
      css: function (values) {},
      js: function (values) {},

Then, we'll pass the custom.js URL to the editor in init option customJS.

  • The URL must be absolute
  • You can load multiple URLs by passing more in the array
  • If you don't have the option to pass a URL, you can directly pass your JavaScript code as a string
  id: 'editor-container',
  displayMode: 'email',
  customJS: [


Here's a live running preview of our custom tool. Drag and drop the custom tool with a smiley face :)

Custom Tool with Built-In Property Editor

Let's update our custom tool to use a built-in property editor now. In this example, we will create a color picker.

To use the built-in color picker, we will update our tool to add a new property called textColor in registerTool code, and use the color_picker property editor.

You can see the full list of available built-in property editors.

  name: 'my_tool',
  label: 'My Tool',
  icon: 'fa-smile',
  supportedDisplayModes: ['web', 'email'],
  options: {
    default: {
      title: null,
    text: {
      title: 'Text',
      position: 1,
      options: {
        textColor: {
          label: 'Color',
          defaultValue: '#ff0000',
          widget: 'color_picker', // built_in property editor
  values: {},
  renderer: {
    Viewer: unlayer.createViewer({
      render(values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
    exporters: {
      web: function (values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
      email: function (values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
    head: {
      css: function (values) {},
      js: function (values) {},

Then, we'll pass the updated custom.js URL to the editor in init option customJS.

  id: 'editor-container',
  displayMode: 'email',
  customJS: [


Here's a live running preview of our custom tool with built-in editor. Drag and drop the custom tool with a smiley face, and then select it on the canvas to play with the color picker.

Custom Tool with Custom Property Editor

Let's update our custom tool to use a custom property editor now. In this example, we will create a custom color picker.

Register Property Editor

Let's register a custom property editor first. We will add this code in our custom.js file.

  name: 'my_color_picker',
  layout: 'bottom',
  Widget: unlayer.createWidget({
    render(value, updateValue, data) {
      return `
        <input class="value" type="text" value="${value}" />
        <button class="red">Red</button>
        <button class="green">Green</button>
        <button class="blue">Blue</button>
    mount(node, value, updateValue, data) {
      var input = node.querySelector('.value');
      var redBtn = node.querySelector('.red');
      var greenBtn = node.querySelector('.green');
      var blueBtn = node.querySelector('.blue');

      input.onchange = function (e) {

      redBtn.onclick = function () {

      greenBtn.onclick = function () {

      blueBtn.onclick = function () {

Using Custom Property Editor

Now we will update our registerTool code to use the my_color_picker property editor we registered above.

  name: 'my_tool',
  label: 'My Tool',
  icon: 'fa-smile',
  supportedDisplayModes: ['web', 'email'],
  options: {
    default: {
      title: null,
    text: {
      title: 'Text',
      position: 1,
      options: {
        textColor: {
          label: 'Color',
          defaultValue: '#ff0000',
          widget: 'my_color_picker', // custom property editor
  values: {},
  renderer: {
    Viewer: unlayer.createViewer({
      render(values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
    exporters: {
      web: function (values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
      email: function (values) {
        return `<div style="color: ${values.textColor};">I am a custom tool.</div>`;
    head: {
      css: function (values) {},
      js: function (values) {},

Then, we'll pass the updated custom.js URL to the editor in init option customJS.

  id: 'editor-container',
  displayMode: 'email',
  customJS: [


Here's a live running preview of our custom tool with custom property editor. Drag and drop the custom tool with a smiley face, and then select it on the canvas to play with our custom color picker.